More of the same! It's a feature.
So better fonts, eh? First I downloaded Droid Sans and put I put them in a new folder called .fonts in my home folder. Then I made a new text file in my home folder titled .fonts.conf like this website told me. (I'd copy the text and post it here, but it all disappears in Blogspot).
Then I ran the following command as root.
dpkg-reconfigure fontconfig-config dpkg-reconfigure fontconfig
And I answered the questions. Fonts became crisper and prettier.
Then I installed a package called gtk-chtheme. Then I ran a command: fc-cache -fv and then ran the program, which allowed me to change the fonts for GTK stuff (and the GTK theme in a minute).
Then I went to and found a nice theme for Fluxbox called Dyne, which had a matching wallpaper and GTK theme. I downloaded them all and put them in their respective folders (user/.fluxbox/styles for the fluxbox theme and user/.themes for the GTK theme).
Then I flipped to the Fluxbox theme in the Fluxbox menu, and said, "Wowzer these fonts are small!" so I opened up the theme's conf file and scrolled to the bottom and changed it to Droid Sans with a size of 10. And then I used the GTK theme switcher to switch to the Dyne GTK theme. And THEN I made my Conky use Droid Sans too, just to make it all match.
Then I opened up that file /.fluxbox/startup and added the line:
fbsetbg -f /foo
Where foo was the path to my new wallpaper, which for simplicity's sake I put in Fluxbox's backgrounds folder. I didn't add the ampersand because it's only running once.
I'm still using this desktop now and it's amazingly beautiful. If I was a Mac fanboy I'd make out with my computer. Or something. What?
Then I plugged in my portable hard drive, looked inside of /dev (where your drives appear as files to be accessed), and found that sdb1 was probably the most likely candidate. So then I turned into root and ran this:
mkdir /mnt/drive
mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt/drive
And the drive was then mine. Three cheers and rejoicing! The same thing worked fine with my Sansa Clip+, abet with sdc1 and sdd1 as the drive file. I transfered all of my files over. Music time.
I started up Audacious and tried an MP3 file, with success. But it was quiet. So I installed the package alsa-utils, ran the command alsamixer, and turned up the volume to max in the headphones and the speaker. Then the volume worked fine.
I did some things that I don't remember and made cpufreqd run. I'm pretty sure I installed the package and ran modprobe apci-cpufreqd, and did this stuff. Maybe.
Then I installed Java in Synaptic and played Minecraft.
To do list for volume 3:
-Get Conky to output more useful information
-Install Eclipse (should be an uneventful install)
-Does a second monitor work? Make it happen.
-Play Minecraft
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