
The impact of a new purchase goes far beyond your wallet.

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These posts were brought to my attention, from all things, by MinimalMac in my Tumblr browsing. Well, I take from all sources!

But you see, THAT’S why I don’t have a Mac. THAT’s why I don’t have a fancy phone. THAT’S why I buy my computers used and run Linux on them.

Our culture has been programmed to churn in and churn out computers. Not working? Throw it away. Not fast enough for the latest thing? Chuck it. Old technology flies in the face of technological revolution! How can we have change if everyone stops buying new computer hardware?

That’s the thing. We don’t need change. The concept of being dissatisfied with your current situation, your current computer and your current software? These are not your thoughts. They are the computer industry’s thoughts. Every time Steve Jobs walks up that stage and tells you about the new features of his new gadget, he is convincing the world that whatever they have right now, it’s simply not good enough.

I don’t care what OS you run. I don’t care what computer you’re using. I don’t care what it looks like or how old it is. It’s good enough. In fact, it’s great. It’s better than great. It’s the greatest computing platform of all time.

Is that a delusion? Maybe. But remember, it’s all about perspective. The key to minimalism is loving what you have. And you have more power over your own perspective than you can ever imagine.

You may meet people who want to tell you that your platform is not “there yet.” Or that it’s unsecure and buggy and ugly and not user friendly. But it doesn’t matter what they think. You can allow them to influence you, or you can make a concerted effort to say, “No. This platform is mine. I am productive and happy here.” It’s your mind, so take control.

You don’t need the newest features or a fancier phone or a faster processor. You don’t need a shiny white exterior or a minimalist, attractive design. You don’t need a new accessory or a device that will “revolutionize the computing industry” or “change the way we do X” or what have you.

You don’t need anything except what you already have. It’s as simple as that.

Next time you find yourself convinced otherwise, take a look at those pictures. Think hard and long about the consequences. Is it really worth it?

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